History of Bengaluru

I would like to share my information about Bengaluru, about history of bangalore, its formation.

Bangalore was founded in the year 1537 by Kmepe Gowda, he was the most famous of all Gowda Chief.

He acquired many appreciation form the kings of Mysore, then he recomended to eatablish the capital here in 1537.

Kempe Gowda built four watch towers at elevated points around the then Bengalore, it was the marking for which the city would grow, even now you can see these towers in 1)Lalbagh. , 2) Gavi Gangadhareswara Temple in Gavipuram, 3) Near Ulsoor Lake., and the last one 4) Bellary Road.

Later Hyder Ali made Bengaluru as his capital and it was followed by his son Tippu Sultan, When British were ruling the country they also made Bengaluru as administrative capital.

From then on Bengaluru was termed as the capital city of Karnataka State.


Guest Author: Mala Ravi20 Oct 2009


The information on History of Bangalore is very informative. Other than this there is also another information from where the word "Bengaluru" evolved from. There is a story which says that Kempegowda had been on visits in his teritory to know about his people and he felt thirsty. Hence he went to an old women's hut and asked her for some water. She offered him some water and some boiled grains. The boiled grains are called as "Benda kalu". Hence he kept the name to Bangalore as "Benda Kaluru".
This is one more information on Bangalore which every Bangalorian must know.

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