Facts of Bangalore

Geographical Location:

Latitudinal Parallels: 12 degree 8' N
Longitudinal Meridians: 77 degree 37' E

Climate: March to May (warmest months)
June to September (rainy - South-West Monsoon)
November to December (rainy - North-East Monsoon)
December to January (coldest months)

Temperature: A Maximum of 33o degree C to lowest Minimum of 14o degree C
Rainfall: Average annual rainfall: 859 mm
Primary rainy season: June - September (South-West Monsoon)
Secondary rainy season: November - December (North-East Monsoon)
Area: 484 square kilometers
Population 7.2 million Literacy: 85.74%
Language: Regional Language: Kannada

Kannada, English, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil are widely spoken and understood.


Guest Author: Mala Ravi20 Oct 2009


The geographical features are very informative and I have seen that there are other languages other than Kannada, Tamil, Telugu & Hindi which, a Bangalorean is able to understand and communicate easily. It is not unlike other states where the importance is given only to their regional language.

According to me this is a place where we can find mixed language people who can understand and communicate if ease other languages other than their mother tongue.

Best regards,

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