Address location and contact phone numbers of Lumbini Gardens Bengaluru

Where exactly is Lumbini Gardens located in Bangalore? What is the exact address of Lumbini Gardens Bangalore? This article gives complete information on the exact location of Lumbini Gardens in Bangalore, the Postal Address of Lumbini Gardens Bangalore, and contact information of Lumbini Gardens Bangalore.

The Lumbini Gardens in Bengaluru is located off the banks of the Nagavara Lake near the Veerannanapalya signal adjacent to the Hebbal flyover, on the way to the Bengaluru International Airport.

Location map of Lumbini Gardens Bengaluru

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Spread over an expanse of approx. 1.5kms., a variety of plant species are grown and nurtured in Lumbini Gardens, but it is more of a family entertainment park. Since its inauguration about 5 years ago, Lumbini Gardens has transformed the area completely, so much so that the beauty of the area has been greatly enhanced by its presence.

Postal address of Lumbini Gardens
Lumbini Gardens Ltd
Inside Nagawara Lake,
Bangalore – 560045

Contact Information of Lumbini Gardens

Before visiting Lumbini Gardens, Bangalore, you may wish to confirm the timings or need specific directions to locate Lumbini Gardens, Bangalore.

If your primary aim is to go boating on the lake, it is advisable to contact the park officials prior to your visit and confirm whether the lake is open for boating. If the lake waters are choppy, such as during the monsoon season, it is possible that the boat rides will not be open to the public.

Lumbini Gardens Bangalore Phone Number: (080) 65679037/ (080) 32997009

Contact Phone Number for School Picnics at Lumbini Gardens Bangalore: 9341031409 / 9343444646

Email of Lumbini Gardens Bangalore: [email protected]

Website of Lumbini Gardens Bangalore: Visiting Lumbini Gardens


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